Monday, January 28, 2013

A New Direction

To my previous readers,

As I have stated in my personal description, I am a journalism student at Colorado State University. As per my education, one of my classes requires me to keep a blog. Therefore, I am adapting the format of my posts to conform with the new reality of modern journalism: my posts will be shorter and more frequent.

Nevertheless, I will continue to offer interesting tidbits on various and little-known aspects of World War II in Europe. This includes personality profiles on famous generals, different facets of famous battles, technological advances, as well as reviews of World War II movies both old and new and Stars and Stripes Review.

To my new readers, mainly those in my class, I hope that you find this material as fascinating as myself. Look at it this way: I'm providing you with unique icebreakers and conversation starters for the weekend! Also, feel free to read my previous articles. They're long but they're packed with information.

Until next time take care, and thanks for reading.

Cody Lizotte

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